Monday, February 25, 2008

beenz: final

well here's the coffee shop i designed comin up near the jubilee hills club..these views were done in sketchup(very handy for 3d model quickies)..this is the final look after a lot of changes*
*change[v. changed, chang·ing, chang·es]:anything remotely to do with vaasthu.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


some pilot poster for a cousin of mine the final ones will come out way better...did this one in exactly the span of two southpark episodes.The above is the before and after of photoshop.


The coffee shop i designed at jubilee hills is called beenz.Overlook the places where i spelt it as beens(lack of sleep tends to make one do that). These are the logos i cooked up. I'm confused as people like different ones.Open to criticism.

VNR VJIET:Sintillashunz

Well...the basic concept of blogging is lost with a routine like mine.So im posting stuff that i do periodically or stuff which i think is worth posting.Well beetees is in demand again..this time in VNR (an engineering college)-for their annual fest SINTILLASHUNZ(dont ask why its spelled that way..cause even they have no clue).here are what i think some good conceptuals done entirely with cs2 brushes('cept some stuff i the dragon).They liked the zippo one but personally i'd go for the monster conceptual.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Check these tees i conjured up...i liked the Hendrix and the SinCity i got them printed.
Planning to come up with a whole range of B&W series: Baba(B)Tees(T) or BTs...and thus the name..voila!

Baba in Springfield?

You gotta check out part is where you can create an avatar to look like a springfield character.Here's mine.I photoshopped it a la' Groening style.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Jayasimha : next?

The otherday i went to this movie(shitty;all over the place) right...and saw the preview of the debut of Ajay Shashtri;the director i worked for.See..i did these conceptuals for his next movie...starring NTR jr. and thought you could take a peek at some o' the character designs, story boards,etc.